Combine Taggers (5.5.4-5.5.5)

In case tags cannot be assigned, it is possible to switch to more general tagger by using backoff option.

>>> t0 = nltk.DefaultTagger('NN')
>>> t1 = nltk.UnigramTagger(train_sents, backoff=t0)
>>> t2 = nltk.BigramTagger(train_sents, backoff=t1)
>>> t2.evaluate(test_sents)
>>> t3 = nltk.TrigramTagger(train_sents, backoff=t2)
>>> t3.evaluate(test_sents)

Saving Tagger (5.5.6):

>>> from cPickle import dump
>>> output = open('t2.pkl', 'wb')
>>> dump(t2, output, -1)
>>> output.close()
>>> from cPickle import load
>>> input = open('t2.pkl', 'rb')
>>> tagger = load(input)
>>> input.close()
>>> text = """The board's action shows what free enterprise
...           is up against in our complex maze of regulatory laws . """
>>> tokens = text.split()
>>> tagger.tag(tokens)
[('The', 'AT'), ("board's", 'NN$'), ('action', 'NN'), ('shows', 'NNS'), ('what', 'WDT'), ('free', 'JJ'), ('enterprise', 'NN'), ('is', 'BEZ'), ('up', 'RP'), ('against', 'IN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('our', 'PP$'), ('complex', 'JJ'), ('maze', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('regulatory', 'NN'), ('laws', 'NNS'), ('.', '.')]